7 months of pregnancy: start thinking about baby's welcome

A baby begins to develop his respiratory and sexual organs, you start thinking about the preparation for childbirth ... All you need to know about the seventh month of pregnancy.

You enter your 7th month of pregnancy and your baby measures 34 cm for about 1kg. Know that he now reaches one-third of his birth weight. His head and body are now well proportioned and his features better defined. He continues to move regularly and to make a multitude of movements, rarely coordinated with each other. On the other hand, from the beginning of this 7th month of pregnancy, your stomach makes you suffer! To cope with these pregnancy pains, consider drinking lots of water and choosing the right foods. Your gums may also hurt, be sure to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your pregnancy. Your hemorrhoids continue to bother you and your legs seem more and heavier. To relieve them, consider watering them with a jet of cold water at the end of your shower and avoid hot baths.

All you need to know about week 27 of pregnancy

Your 7th month of pregnancy continues and your baby continues to progress. His breathing movements are now coordinated and he knows how to swallow, regulate his temperature and suck his thumb. On the other hand, he continues to move very regularly and may even have already put his head down as early as the 7th month of your pregnancy. To achieve this progress, your baby needs to draw on your reserves, which tends to tire you. Try to rest when you have the opportunity and make sure you choose the right foods to stay in shape. In particular, eat foods rich in fiber to fight constipation, bloating and heartburn. Other pregnancy pains: cramps. Night and day, these are part of your daily life. Also, take advantage of this 7th month of pregnancy to worry about your childbirth classes.

All you need to know about week 28 of pregnancy

You are in the middle of your 7th month of pregnancy and your baby is about 36cm for 1.4kg. He is now able to be aware of light variations thanks to his well-developed eye system. In the same way, his ears are better and better trained and your baby perceives many sounds. Music or voice of his parents, he manages today to hear the world around him. His sense of taste is also improving and your baby feels better and better the flavor of food through the amniotic fluid. Your body is still adapting to Baby's needs. Your uterus continues to move and reaches your chest today. Your breasts can secrete colostrum, the first breast milk. On the other hand, do not forget to make an appointment today for your fifth prenatal examination that will take place during this 7th month of pregnancy.

All you need to know about week 29 of pregnancy

You arrive at the end of your 7th month of pregnancy and today Baby measures 37cm for 1.5kg. If he were to be born today, then we would speak of average prematurity. His brain continues to grow and your baby is now able to perform large movements, deforming your belly in an impressive way. Moreover, he will not hesitate to move in all directions if he does not like the position in which you find yourself. It's a way for him to communicate with you. On the other hand, as of the end of this 7th month of pregnancy, your belly has rounded to its maximum. You are always tired and feel the need to rest regularly. If this fatigue becomes too great, your doctor will give you a pathological leave. Finally, it is during the end of your 7th month of pregnancy that you will spend your third and final ultrasound. Thanks to her, you will be able to visualize your child in detail.


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